Microsoft Flight Simulator | TDS GTNXi
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 TDS GTNXi an be purchased directly from the vendor by clicking the button below.
The GTNXi puts safety first, as both an intuitive safety navigation device, along with beautiful, modern mapping features. Some of the many mapping features which the GTNXi features are:
- Ultra-high-resolution mapping, terrain information, mapping features: water bodies, political borders, roads, cities
- All the navigation data that you are used to: airports, waypoints, VOR/NDBs
- Airport’s diagram including taxiways
- Geo-referenced charts to assist in perfectly flying that navigation procedure (approach, arrival, departure)
- One virtual tap on the map, one push of the D-TO key and the GTN will fly you to that waypoint!
- Obstacle and wire data
- A wealth of airspaces: Class A, B, C, D, SUA, along with Smart Airspaces
- Terrain elevation data and TAWS A/B Alerts in case of CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain)
- Custom User Waypoints and Visual Reporting Points
- Graphical flight planning: ability to create and modify a flight plan on the fly, from within the map
- One virtual tap on the map, one push of the D-TO key and the GTN will fly you to that waypoint!
Ability to build a flight plan from scratch in an intuitive manner:
- Type in the flight plan waypoints on the screen using the virtual keyboard, with the user option of an Alphabetical or QWERTY keyboard
- Ability view the active leg status and bearing/distance data to flight plan waypoints
- Ability to save flight plans in a catalog format and import community/user created flight plan flies
- Fly a parallel course offset
- Loading airways into the active flight plan is as easy as three virtual touches
- Direct-To ability to any waypoint, along with flying unpublished holds, multiple search and rescue patterns
- Ability to load and activate procedures (approaches, arrivals, departures), from a worldwide list of airports
- Basic VNAV descent profile, doing all the math calculations for you, displaying a message when to begin your descent, so you can reach the target waypoint at the desired altitude
The GTNXi is more than a GPS, it is also an Audio Panel with its own COM/NAV radio, along with a state-of-the-art ADS-B transponder:
- It offers the ability to virtually type in any COM/NAV frequency
- Quickly change between the standby and active frequency with the tap of a virtual key
- A smart unit: the GTNXi keeps a list of the recent and favorite frequencies
- Ability to quickly tune nearest or flight plan frequencies
- Integrated ADS-B Transponder with the ability to change the transponder mode, having an ADS-B transponder permits the map to show ADS-B targets, thus enhancing the safety
- Full Audio Panel allowing to select the COM receiver and multiple monitoring audio sources: NAV1/2, ADF, DME, Marker Sound
The TDS GTNXi has been developed specifically for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020:
- It is a standalone executable that runs along Flight Simulator, the user can drag the interface and GPS windows to a second or third monitor, keeping the main monitor for the Flight Simulator visuals
- By developing the TDS GTNXi as an external executable, Flight Simulator performance will not be affected
- Both the 750Xi and the 650Xi are contained in the same package, not requiring multiple purchases
- Ability to change individual unit settings on the fly, using the intuitive user interface
- Does not require any special integration into aircraft, just start the standalone exe from the desktop shortcut, the connection to Flight Simulator is automatic
- Virtual Cockpit integration into aircraft is planned, but is currently not possible due to MSFS SDK limitations, as soon as such functionality is included in the simulator, the TDS GTNXi will be made fully compatible!